
Tatiana Бангкок

43 года · На сайте с июня 2024

русский русский - родной
английский английский - свободный (свободное письменное и устное общение)
французский французский - разговорный (свободное устное общение на любые темы)
Таиланд, Бангкок
Услуги в:
Таиланд: Бангкок
Рейтинг на сайте
Количество отзывов
Стоимость в день от
* Средняя продолжительность дня - 8 часов
Стоимость в час от
* Минимальная длительность заказа - 4 часа

О себе

Профессиональный переводчик синхронист. Опыть работы 10+ лет. Работаю на международных конференциях, правительственных встречах на высшем уровне, семинарах, бизнес переговорах.

Устный преревод с английского на русский и с русского на английский языки для русскоговорящих клиентов: Центральная Азия (Казахстан, Кыргызстан, Таджикистан, Узбекистан, Туркменистан) и страны бывшего СНГ. 

Клиенты: Региональные отделения ООН. ЮНЕСКО, ЮНИСЕФ, ПРООН, Всемирный Банк, Азиатский Банк Развития, Международный Олимпийский Комитет и др. 

Подробное описание и стоимость услуг

Устный синхронный перевод с испрользованием переводческого оборудования (будка, микрофон, наушники).  

Перевод выполняется двумя переводчиками, которые работают в паре. 


Университет Таммасат, Международный МБА, Международный бизнес, Бангкок, Таиланд 2014 

Российский Государственный Гуманитарный Университет, Бакалавр филологии (литература, иностранные языки), Москва, Россия 2004 

Опыт работы

Синхронный перевод: 

- Regional Policy Dialogue and Launch of the "Recommendation on Education for Peace, Human Rights and Sustainable Development" in Asia - Pacific, UNESCO

- SOLIDARITY PROJECT pre-implementation workshop. Make Medicines Affordable, ITCP & APN+

- Amateur Weightlifting Federation (IWF) Special Congress/ Technical Meeting, International Weightlifting Federation

- Regional Workshop on Increasing Investments in Early Warning Systems, Asia Development Bank

​- Celebrating Year of Cultural Exchange and Tourism between Thailand and Russia 2024, Embassy of Russia

- Youth Influencers and Their Role in Engaging Young Men-Who-Have-Sex-With-Men and Transgender Communities in Asia, PEPFAR/USAID

- Regional Training on Assessing Inequalities in Civil Registration Completeness, UN ESCAP

- TRACE Regional Best Practices Workshop, PEPFAR 

- International Table Tennis Summit/ International Table Tennis Federation Annual General Meeting, Thailand Table Tennis Association

- Wonder Tulip Garden - Freen Sarocha Solo Stage Birthday, Freen Sarocha FanDom  

- The Eighth Session of the Joint Thai-Russian Commission on Bilateral Cooperation & Eastern Economic Forum Offsite Session: Russian Far East and Arctic – exploring new perspectives and opportunities, Embassy of Russia/Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Thailand

- 10th Asia-Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development, UN ESCAP

- HOMENET South-East Asia: Executive Committee Meeting/ WIEGO OMT Meeting: Consultation Workshop - Social Dialogue on Social Protection for Workers in the Informal Economy in ASEAN, HOMENET

- XXXIX International Canoe Federation Ordinary Congress, International Canoe Federation and the International Olympic Committee

- Global South-South Development Expo, UN ESCAP

- Future Maker Leadership Event, vGeneration

- Global Summit of Women, Bangkok, Thailand

- Asia Pacific Regional Education Minister’s Conference (APREMC), UNESCO

- 5th Asia-Pacific Meeting on Education 2030 (APMED2030) 

- Asia-Europe-Pacific Learning Exchange/ Regional Dialogue for Europe, Asia and the Pacific, BIOFIN 

- PEPFAR ROP/ ROP 2019 In-Person Planning Meetings Asia Region, PEPFAR 

- 4th Asian-Pacific Education Meeting 2030 (APMED2030), UNESCO/NEQMAP 


- 23rd International Congress of the Union of the Judicial Officers (UIHJ)

- Regional workshop on Data Quality and Accuracy for Large-Scale Learning Assessment, UNESCO/NEQMAP  

- “MICS6 Survey Design Workshop”, UNICEF 

- The 3rd Asia-Pacific Meeting on Education 2030 (APMED2023), UNESCO

- Leadership Meeting, WOR(l)D Global Network Asia 

- National Committee Sub-Regional Strategy Meeting/ Regional Parliamentarians’ Conference on Combating Human Trafficking, AFPPD  

- Leadership Meeting, IlGamos International

- High level officials meeting, Central Asian Association of People Living with HIV/APN+ 

- Public Finance for Nutrition in Asia , UNICEF

- Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS): Data Interpretation, Further Analysis and Dissemination Workshop

- Executive Directors meeting, NAO Global 

- Motivation and Compensation of Civil Servants, UNDP

- Executive Committee Meeting, Asian Rugby

- Second meeting of Legal and Technical Working Groups of the Interim Intergovernmental Steering Group on Cross-border Paperless Trade Facilitation, UN ESCAP  

- Agricultural Operations Study and Sight Visit to the Chicken plant in Ongkharak, Nakornnayok Province, Thailand, Morgan Stanley Singapore  

- 359 Meeting of ACPR, UN ESCAP 

- Cyclic meeting, Besins Healthcare 

- Official Visit of the Delegation of OPORA Russia in Thailand/BOI meeting

- Policy Dialogue on Energy for Sustainable Development in Asia and the Pacific, UN ESCAP 

- Capacity Development Workshop. Introduction to Large-Scale Assessment of Learning, UNESCO

- Inter-regional Workshop on Energy Efficiency Investment Projects Pipeline, UN ESCAP 

- Policy Dialogue on Energy for Sustainable Development, UN ESCAP

- Corporate Security Global Conference: Aligning on the Needs of the Business, Japan Tobacco International 

- Global Partnership for Education Regional Workshop, The World Bank/Global Partnership for Education

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