
Pavel Роттердам

43 года · На сайте с сентября 2023

голландский голландский - базовый (могу общаться на общие темы)
русский русский - родной
английский английский - свободный (свободное письменное и устное общение)
Нидерланды, Роттердам
Услуги в:
Нидерланды: Амстердам, Гаага, Лейден, Роттердам, Утрехт
Языки перевода:
английский русский
русский английский
Рейтинг на сайте
Количество отзывов
Стоимость в день от
* Средняя продолжительность дня - 8 часов
Стоимость в час от
* Минимальная длительность заказа - 2 часа
Синхронный перевод в час от

О себе

Highly skilled translator and interpreter with the experience in legal, business and music management area. Started my journey with languages at school, then developed my knowledge in different administration and legal positions. I have been interpreting business meetings, meetings of BoD, and other formats, including interpreting during business trips to Spain and US. Currently, I am located in Rotterdam, NL, I often interpret per request for the needs of den Haag and Rotterdam Gemeente' (Municipalities), including the cases related to immigration processes (for Ukrainian refugees). My commitment to the migration situation by interpreting different migration cases was honoured by the Major of Den Haag with the Letter of Appreciation.  
Have a valid VOG-certificate (Certificate of Conduct) issued by the Ministry of Defence (allows to work with socially unprotected and/or less protected categories of clients (minors, refugees, etc.)


Перевод устный (последовательный) Перевод синхронный Перевод письменный Удалённый перевод Услуги агента


2021, Erasmus University Rotterdam

Опыт работы

2021-present - freelance interpreter, Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Interpret private meetings on different occasions - doctor, mortgage/accommodation, taxes, legal matters, business meetings, official representatives (IND, RVO, Government Ministries, etc.). 
2021-2022 - interpreter, Center for Ukrainian Refugees, den Haag (RCVS or Regionaal Aanmeldcentrum Oekraiense Vluchtelingen) interpreting all the cases of refugees in order to assist them in settling in, including interpreting their meetings with all kinds of officials both on a day-by-day current problem and in legal/tax/finance/migration areas. 
2017-2020 - interpreter, within the functions of Head of Office (Synergy Corp.) meeting foreign guests, assisting expats in their daily and business needs, interpreting business documents, meetings, daily routine. Interpreting all business and legal routine both in paper and orally during business trips
2015-2017 - interpreter, within the functions of Administrative Director (United Confectionaries, LLC): meeting foreign guests, assisting expats in their daily and business needs, interpreting business documents, meetings, daily routine. Interpreting all business and legal routine both in paper and orally during business trips to Spain, US.

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